MOLB 7950 - Informatics and Statistics for Molecular Biology

All material for the course can be found in the form of interactive Jupyter notebooks here. It serves as an introduction to Python programming in the context of large biological datasets.

This is an interactive course taught in conjunction with Srinivas Ramachandran. Teaching MOLB 7900 - Practical Computational Biology for Biologists We have published a paper describing a protocol we have developed for the separation of neuronal cells into soma and neurite fractions for further analysis, particularly of RNA localization. Maya Brown will be joining us this summer from Howard University as part of the RNA Bioscience Initiative Summer Internship Program. Additionally, we have published a methods paper describing the use of LABRAT here. You can read the paper here, and download LABRAT here.
We have published a paper describing LABRAT, our software for quantifying alternative polyadenylation. Welcome a new graduate student, Charlie Moffatt! Charlie is a member of the Molecular Biology Graduate Program. Graduate student Hei-Yong Lo has been awarded a place on the Molecular Biology Program’s T32 Training Grant and has been named an RNA Scholar by the RNA Bioscience Initiative! In collaboration with the lab of Chad Pearson, we have been awarded a grant by the Keck Foundation to study connections between RNA localization and control of cell division. Additionally, there was a nice write up about this approach which you can find here.

We have published a paper describing an RNA proximity labeling method we call Halo-seq.